God calls us to serve, to bless others'
lives, to find a sense of community and
to increase our own capacity to love.
We are looking for passionate people
to get involved in any of the many
exciting positions we have available.
If you are interested in being a part of
our growing community, please reach
out to a leadership member
after service. We need you!
Help us grow by attending weekly
services and bringing a friend or two!
Explore questions about God
and the Bible, and be challenged to
apply what you learn to your life.
As you grow spiritually, so will
our church, and as our church grows,
we will be better equipped to
serve God on a greater level!
Through your giving of time, talent and treasure- we are able
to help others know and serve
Jesus. Those who currently give have
loved contributing to the change and
growth they see happening around
here. Whether it’s volunteering your time for ministries or funding to help others serve, your generosity
fuels the life change around
the church.

Healing stream
Every Tuesday evening at 7:00, you can meet with believers who have been in strict preparation to help those with prayer and deliverance needs. If you need someone to talk to or you are in need of prayer or know someone who is- this is the place for you.
Kid's Ministry
We are anxious and excited to grow and develop our children's ministry. We have a passion and a vision to see our kids as on fire for God as the adults in our body. We are in the process of changing our rooms, curriculum and check-in procedures so that we can have the best possible environment for all of our kids to learn about Jesus and experience Him for themselves! If this is something that you want to be involved in- contact us!